October 25 – 27.
Introduction to energy work.
Stendal, Germany.
Friday 25 October, 14:00-18:00
Saturday 26 October, 10:00-16:00
Sunday 27 October, 10:00-16:00
Cost: €300
This workshop is already fully booked. Waiting list only.
For details, please contact Robert Henderson.
November 23 – 24.
An introduction to your body’s subtle energies, chakras and meridians.
Avocado Center, Logatec, Slovenia.
Saturday 23 November, 10:00-17:00
Sunday 24 November, 10:00-15:00
Cost: €150
For details and registration, please contact Robert Henderson.
March 7 – 9.
Subtle Energien bei der Massage.
Veda Vital Institut für Ayurveda, Yoga & Energiearbeit, Vienna.
This weekend is part of the student education at Veda Vital.
However, non-students are also welcome.
Please contact Caroline at Veda Vital for cost and details:
+43 1 / 8904050
April 4 – 6.
Subtle Energien bei der Massage.
Veda Vital Institut für Ayurveda, Yoga & Energiearbeit, Vienna.
This weekend is part of the student education at Veda Vital.
However, non-students are also welcome.
Please contact Caroline at Veda Vital for cost and details:
+43 1 / 8904050
June 14 – 15.
An introduction to working with subtle energy in massage and bodywork.
Agniyoga Studio
Slovenska cesta 6, Ljubljana.
Saturday 14 June: 10:00 – 15:30
Sunday 15 June: 10:00 – 15:30
Cost: €200
For registration and payment details, please contact Dasa Lakner:
E: info@agniyoga.si